Atlantic Inclusionary Senior Housing

Location: Brooklyn, NY
Type: Feasibility Study
Size: 500 units | 23,000 SF Retail / Commercial
Program: Supportive / Senior + Market Rate Housing
Client: AAA Development
Budget: N/A
Status: In Planning

This large development at the corner of Atlantic and Bedford Avenues uses massing, green elements, and materiality to reduce the project’s scale, allowing it to mediate between the neighborhoods and buildings to the north and the south of Atlantic Avenue.

The reduction in scale allows the various residents of the building to recognize their own place within the project. The 18 stories are subdivided into three 6 story sections vertically articulated through a variety of green spaces – vertical farms and greenhouses – related to the apartment types. The first six stories are dedicated to senior housing with physical and visual access to two green spaces – one interior and one exterior. This includes the courtyard-oriented building with senior amenities and a FRESH grocery store. The 7th floor amenity space and the roof top gardens bracket the other two building sections, which have a range of larger apartments mixed with one bedrooms.